Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Mark of The Beast
It is seldom the case that people are aware of the historical significance of the times in which they are living; the founding fathers apparently realized that they were living during a time that was truly history making, but this was exceptional. Most people believe that they live in “ordinary” times and, if there are difficulties, they will pass and things will get back to normal.
I believe that we are witnessing nothing less than the end of Western Civilization as we have known it. The economic and social turmoil in the US and Western Europe can be interpreted as nothing less. “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
The collapse is not, as most Christian pundits would have it, because of the rise of homosexuality, or abortion; these are symptoms of the collapse not the cause. The collapse is the result of nothing less than the abandonment, by Christians, of a distinctly Christian worldview. Christians have, by and large, pursued the same goals of personal peace and prosperity as the general culture. Christians have sought prosperity as a goal rather than recognizing it as a by-product of “seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”
Think I’m exaggerating? Then why do most “born-again Christians” continue to send their children to state controlled schools where they are indoctrinated with anti-Christ values? There is only one reason; because removing their children would disrupt their personal ease and require the abandonment of a lifestyle that requires “double incomes” to satisfy worldly lusts.
What can be done? Nothing, if the goal is to “save” America . We have no mandate to save America . Our only mandate is to glorify Jesus Christ and acknowledge his lordship over every area of life – not society’s life, but OUR life. The only safety for Christians is true holiness - the separation of heart, soul and, in some cases body, from worldly ambitions.
II Chronicles 7:14 is often cited at political rallies as the means of “saving America,” but this promise is clearly and exclusively directed to the people of God, Israel. Its demands are clear: “repent, turn from their evil ways, humble them-selves and pray.” That is the prescription for the saving of “my people.” Its scope is corporate, as well as individual.
There is no way to know what our culture will look like after a total collapse. I do not look forward to it.
p.s. If you think the title is misleading, consider whether you would have read a post titled "The End of Western Civilization."
Thursday, July 28, 2011
More Space Waste
“Per-launch costs can be measured by dividing the total cost over the life of the program (including buildings, facilities, training, salaries, etc.) by the number of launches. With 134 missions, and the total cost of US$192 billion (in 2010 dollars), this gives approximately $1.5 billion per launch over the life of the program.[“
In case anyone missed that, let me repeat; the Space Shuttle program cost “$1.5 BILLION per launch over the life of the program.”
In case anyone missed that, let me repeat; the Space Shuttle program cost “$1.5 BILLION per launch over the life of the program.”
That’s right! Every time we watched the Space Shuttle launch, we were watching $1.5 Billion of our hard-earned tax funds literally going up in flames. Sure, this seems like chicken-feed in the total scheme of federal spending, but that’s the problem. The federal government is spending OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY. Those who are supposed to be representing our interests view tax revenues as their personal piggy bank to fund their pet projects.
The fact is that neither our elected representatives nor we can comprehend these kinds of figures and so, we have blithely sat by and watched as our wealth has been squandered. Attempts to translate such into something more meaningful are seldom helpful. It should be enough to understand that such expenditures for programs which offer no tangible benefits to citizens who cannot participate in or understand what they are paying for are inappropriate.
I should also observe that virtually all government funded space exploration is based on an evolutionary hypothesis of the origin of the Universe and our place in it.
Another $100 Billion Down the Drain
Russians will dump Space Station in 2020
It’s time to end taxpayer funding for what is nothing more than an expensive hobby. Space travel, by its very nature, has been and will continue to be limited to those with a lot of money. Up ‘til now, the US taxpayer, who will never travel into space, have been footing the bill for a relatively few people to pursue their Buck Rogers fantasy.
People wonder how we got into this debt crisis. It was easy; $100 Billion here and $100 Billion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Dems Embrace Future Debt
If we needed any proof that the Democrats have no intention of dealing with the federal debt, here it is.
Not only do they plan to cooperate with the President in doing an end-run around Congress (they are always so concerned that the Constitution be followed), they are planning for more debt.
"Schumer said that the next time the debt ceiling needs to be raised, the 14th Amendment option would get a close look. "It's something worth looking at for the next time around, but I don't think it's had enough fermentation -- examination, to employ at this time.""
"Next time around?" That means more debt.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Can You Say "Post Hoc?"
Advocates of reduced government spending will commit a serious effort if they fall for the trap of arguing directly with this report.
Instead, they should point out that the report's major premise commits an elementary logical fallacy, the post hoc, ergo proctor hoc fallacy. In English this means "after this, therefore because of this."
"After I broke my leg, I could not play the violin; therefore, I could not play the violin because I broke my leg."
Unfortunately, neither politicians nor the public care much about logic.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
NATO to Libyan civilians: Sorry, sort of
You can add another example of post-modern debasement of language (same-sex marriage, air-strikes don't qualify as hostilities, we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it).
NATO originally denied bombing civilian targets in Libya, but subsequently (a la Anthony Weiner) admitted it and issued an apology.
Reading between the lines, the apology means "in our mission to protect the civilian population of Libya, it is unavoidable that we will occasionally kill civilians, and that's a risk we are willing to take."
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Proving proof
In order to "prove" Christianity by:
On must first "prove:"
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Tragedy of Anthony Weiner
Perhaps the greatest tragedy of this entire episode is the failure of both Weiner and the public to learn anything.
Weiner’s downfall, indeed the downfall of numerous people in public life demonstrates the truth of the proverb, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Watching his tirades in Congress shows a consistently arrogant, self-righteous man. This is not to single him out for criticism; pride is a common fault of human nature – many of us struggle with it on a regular basis.
However, his original denial, subsequent confession and resignation indicate that he has learned nothing from the incident. There is no humility, no apparent contrition, and no remorse except for being caught.
The language of his resignation confirms this; “I am announcing my resignation…” One does not “announce” a resignation necessitated by moral failure; one issues a statement. Citing his efforts to represent those “without a voice,” and vowing to continue his efforts by other means is not the expression of true shame and remorse. These are the words of a proud, defiant person still trying to exalt himself.
Public apologies are only appropriate for public transgressions. His repeated public apologies to his wife, as part of his confession and this announcement, are inappropriate and only show his insensitivity to her humiliation.
What the public will fail to learn by portraying this as a political issue is that such moral failings are not “mistakes,” but sin against God. Again, Weiner is not alone in this reality. When David acknowledged his sin with Bathsheba, and the murder of her husband, his failure was not defined by his public actions, but by his rebellion against God’s law: “Against Thee, Thee only have I sinned.” Ps 51. He recognized that his sin could not be atoned for by religious observance, or “public” displays but only by a changed heart.
So it is with Anthony Weiner, and so it is with all of us.
The "Christian-right" should not be silent on this, nor should it try to make political capital. It should identify the true issues, i.e. sin and repentance, and remind everyone, Christian and non-Christian, that we all “fall short of the glory of God” in both word and deed. That Jesus Christ is the only “treatment” for our condition and that a regenerate mind is the only way to change a sinful heart.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Harry Reid Identity Confirmed
Reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid fell and was injured have raised a number of questions sending administration officials scurrying to do damage control.
Reid’s identity was confirmed using both DNA and facial recognition by seals which happened to be in the area after escaping from Sea World.
Photos of the injured Reid were taken, but the White House has announced they will not be released due to the fact that Reid’s appearance is even more gruesome than usual.
Attempts to have Reid buried at sea were frustrated when he refused to walk the plank on the presidential yacht anchored in the Potomac .
President O’Bama announced that Reid was armed and attempted to use his wife to break his fall.
Clarification: The White House announced that Reid was NOT armed but HARMED at the time of the fall and that his wife actually pushed him down; a simple mistake in reporting.
Further, the president retracted his earlier statement that Reid was “drunk as a skunk” when he fell down the steps at Pomeroy’s Wine Bar. The president said he was referring to a game of "horse" the two had played earlier in the day and that Reid's "dunk really stunk."
More details will be available as they get their story straight.
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