After enduring eight long years of the inexplicable behavior of the artist formerly known as Barack Hussein Obama, I have developed an hypothesis; what we have been observing is a man without a soul. Note, I don't mean a soul in the biblical sense (although they are related); rather I mean a man who does not know himself. Obama has spent his whole life trying to discover who he is.
His identity crisis began in childhood. He was the product of man with whom he would have very little contact while was growing up, and a woman who had other things on her mind and without the equipment to raise a son who's identity was confusing from the cradle.
Contrary to popular myth, Barack Obama is not the first African American president - for the simple reason that he is not African American. In a less PC time, he would have been called a mulatto. His identification with his father's African roots was a political choice, not a racial necessity. He could as easily have claimed his mother's white heritage. His attempt to identify with the suffering and alienation of the descendants of American slavery was, and is, a sham based on hear-say.
After being abandoned by his father before he had an opportunity to form any meaningful connection, he was whisked away to Indonesia where he be was assigned the identity of Barry Soetoro, adopted son of Lolo Soetoro. The significant similarity between the two "fathers," was that they were both Muslim - an identify that Barack accepted until it became politically inconvenient.
At some point in his childhood, he was shipped off to live with his maternal grandparents in Kansas. Like most "white folks," they knew little or nothing about the African identity of his father which would occupy much of his later search for an identity. They also knew nothing of the "African American" experience and could not transmit any knowledge of such to their grandson.
After a privileged education at two exclusive American universities, about which little is known because his academic records are sealed, he emerged as an erstwhile, radicalized Black activist. He adopted Chicago as his territory and assumed the occupation of "community organizer" as a way to establish standing in the area (Barry, what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a community organizer, Mommy) How a young man with a middle-class, privileged upbringing wound up in this situation can only be understood as the actions of a man trying to create a persona.
Somewhere in his Chicago adventure, he identified with a radical, Liberation Theology oriented church and "became" a Christian. His claim that he never heard his pastor, Jeremiah Wright, engaging in his frequent anti-American diatribes, is feasible only if he wasn't listening; a very real possibility for a man who wasn't there to learn but to be seen.
It was also during this time that he met and married Michele Robinson, a university educated young woman raised in a prosperous, suburban family who, in spite of the advantages she experienced, was never proud of her country.
His organizing experience paid off when he was elected to the Illinois state Senate, partially by having other candidates eliminated from the ballot. His tenure in the state legislature was uneventful, characterized by frequent votes of "present," a tactic designed to avoid identification with any position which might require an explanation. This lackluster beginning was followed by his election to the US Senate, a position for which he was neither qualified nor temperamentally suited.
What he was suited for was talking, not listening. During testimony at a hearing of one of the Senate committees to which he had been assigned, he turned to one of his staff seated behind and handed him a note reading "just shoot me now." Clearly not an auspicious beginning for participation in the nations highest deliberative legislative chamber. His slide into political oblivion was halted when he was plucked from the realm of obscurity by John Kerry to deliver a keynote speech at the 2004 Democrat Convention. This appearance launched him into a realm of notoriety that might otherwise have been impossible.
Oprah pronounced him "Brilliant," and four years later, this unknown, untested young man with the strange (and troubling) name not only defeated Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democrat nominee, but longtime American hero, Senator John McCain for the white house; and the rest, as they say is history. Or is it?
With the exception of a failed attempt to establish national health-care, Obama's roster of White House achievements is sparse. This is what one might expect from a man who doesn't know who he is and is dependent on others for ideas with which to identify. Given his persona non-existia, it is not surprising that issues like producing a birth-certificate and other records of education and experience emerged during his career.
During and subsequent to the recent election cycle, Obama made frequent reference to his legacy. He urged the election of Mrs. Clinton as a way of validating his term of office. The problem was that there was no legacy with which the American people could identify. Mature, self-assured people do not talk about their legacy; that is for historians. People who are self-aware speak about what they believe and why people should support them.
Ultimately, Barack Obama cannot be understood from a political or social perspective. He can only be understood when he is examined by the authority of scripture. He is a man unique in contemporary experience. He was and remains unknown to the people among whom he lives and to the people who elected him.
He is a man without a soul.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Say, Who Was That Masked Woman Anyway?
Few Jeopardy contestants would recognize the names Norma Jeane Mortensen
, Leonard Slye or Clayton Moore, but even Cliff Claven knows the names Marilyn
Monroe, Roy Rogers, and The Lone Ranger. In fact, both sets of names are the
same people.
The first three are the real names while the last three are the
characters they became. They did not start out as these characters, but they
adopted them and played the part for the rest of their lives. We could also
cite Samuel Clemens who became Mark Twain and Marion Mitchell Morrison who
became known the world over as John Wayne
I am concerned here with a more current example of role playing; one that has immediate significance for all of us. I refer, of course to the character Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Rodham is as much a character as any of those named above.
Something happened to Hillary Rodham that transformed her from a Goldwater Girl into a campus radical. I am not astute enough to identify the time or the event that accomplished this change, but it became apparent not only in her views but in her deportment (there was a book written several years ago entitled "The Seduction of Hillary Rodham;" I’d never read it; perhaps the author has a b3ette3r explanation for the change) It is only important for us to understand that Hillary Rodham abandoned her middle-class life and became Hillary Radical. Whatever force accomplished this change, everything that Hillary did or said afterward was in pursuit of fulfilling her new role as Hillary Radical.
It is likely, as with many of her generation that Hillary did not understand the experience herself. For many of us, it was identification with an individual (I spent years trying to get my hair to behave like Bobby Kennedy's), or opposition to a particular issue such as the Viet Nam War, or just a general estrangement from middle-class America as the result of university experience and exposure the radical professors.
Hillary Radical does not believe in anything except a vision of herself as rescuer. She does not believe in liberty or justice or human rights or any of the other "causes" she espouses in her persona. That is why she can lie and cheat and steal and never be bothered by a conscience, because Hillary Radical has no conscience; characters have no conscience unless the author creates one. Hillary Radical does not know what she belies, until the author puts the words in her mouth.
The point is nobody knows who Hillary is, including Hillary. To elect her
or any other person with such an indeterminate character would be to betray all
that America
Perhaps someday a future Shakespeare will write a play called "Hillary Millhouse," for this American story is surely as much a tragedy as any of the histories the Bard ever penned. It will become an even greater tragedy if she becomes president.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Obama's Muslim, er ah, Christian Faith
During the 2008 presidential campaign, then candidate Barrack
Obama remarked during an interview that his opponent John McCain had not
commented on his (Obama’s) Muslim faith.
Obama did not realize his misstatement until the interviewer Chris
Wallace said “you mean your Christian faith. Obama agreed with Wallace’s
correction. The flub was observed by some commentators, but like his other
misstatements there was no enduring fallout.
The question remains, why would anyone make such a mistake? One
can understand, for instance, Obama’s error in stating that he had been to 57
states. But it’s different when it comes to one’s religious beliefs. After all,
he had been a member of Jeremiah Wright’s church for some 20 years and was a
self-styled Christian. This was certainly more than a slip of the tongue.
Almost immediately after his inauguration, Obama embarked on his
“apologize to Islam tour.” He “announced” that America was not a Christian nation. He did not
clarify what he meant by this announcement. Of course, America was not and never had been a Christian
nation in any formal legal sense. It certainly had been a Christian nation in
terms of its philosophy and political orientation.
The president apparently thought he had sufficiently circumcised
the nations Christian heritage and turned his attention from apologizing to
Muslims for the barbaric treatment they had received at the hand of their
American oppressors, to apologizing for, i.e., defending Islam.
In the face of continuing violence by Muslim terrorists, he
declared that their actions were not the result of Islamic beliefs but were the
actions of those who perverted the true teachings of Islam. In a recent
statement, he even declared that Islam had always played an important role in
the life of America , even
from the founding. What this role was he did not say.
There was a “made-for tv” movie sometime in the 80s concerning the
Roman army’s assault on a band of renegade Jews at the mountain-top fortress at Masada .
After engaging in every atrocity imaginable, including launching Jewish
prisoners from catapults, the Roman general, portrayed by Peter O’Toole
declared to the leader of the Jewish renegades, Peter Strauss, during a
clandestine meeting down the mountain, that “this is not Rome .”
After repeating this phrase for the second time, Strauss stated how absurd this
was in light of the fact that it was the Romans who were committing the
Well, it seems to me that the president is engaging in a similar
case of verbal legerdemain. In the face of continued violence against Christian
culture by confessed Muslim terrorists, Obama continually denies that they are
acts of terror or, at least they are not motivated by a genuine understanding
of the Prophet’s teachings. What the president hopes to gain by this denial in
the face of indisputable fact is difficult to understand. Difficult perhaps,
but not impossible.
Some time ago, I wrote a piece entitled "Our
First Post-Modern President or Why Obama Can't Lie" Without
re-posting the entire essay (please read), my point was to explain how Obama’s
frequent misrepresentations could not be understood in the traditional sense of
lying (ala Bill and Hillary), but in the context of the Post-modern paradigm
that controls most of popular intellectual discourse, viz truth is not a fixed
set of propositions but is determined by the context in which claims are
asserted. In this case, Obama is not lying; he is simply declaring the truth
from a different perspective. He is not trying to deny or hide the facts;
rather he is creating truth by his statements. Thus, the terrorists are not
Islamic, regardless of how often they declare their allegiance to Allah and the
Prophet, because they cannot be. In short, he is engaging in the rebellion
against God’s authority that has characterized human behavior since Eve
overthrew God’s judgment for her own.
Most Christians are not interested in such matters and so continue
to misinterpret the conflict in which they are engaged. Obama is not speaking
the truth and must be challenged’ of his words. The problem is not Obama’s
errant world-view, a world-view that is clearly anti-Christian, but the failure
of Christians to think and act as followers of Christ. As Christians, we can
only declare Islam to be what it is, an anti-Christian, pagan religion.
We should hope and pray for a Christian of sufficient courage and
standing to challenge Obama’s defense of this false religion in the face of “his
Christian faith.”
Friday, April 22, 2016
Saving America - A Prescription For Reclaiming Christian Culture
come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the
unclean thing; and I will receive you." 2 Cor 6:17
"Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have
lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for
nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men."
"Let your light so shine
before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is
in heaven." Matt. 5:13 & 16
God's plan for Israel was Separation from the
world in which they lived: they were to be a peculiar people, totally different
from the nations around them. It was their constant failure to be separated
that was the cause of His judgement.
True holiness/separation begins in the heart.
Our unwillingness to be truly separate is an indication that our hearts are not
as they should be - "where your treasure is, there will your heart be
also." The following are offered as a beginning.
Separate from the world's indoctrination system
- get your kids out of the state schools. If Christians would withdraw their
children en masse, it would have an incalculable impact on the
culture. Not only would it remove a huge number of students who would,
hopefully, receive a truly Christian education, but it would be a tremendous
witness to the world.
This question should settle the matter for all
true Christians: Would the Jews have allowed the Philistines to educate their
If we are unwilling to do such a small thing, do we really
imagine that we will be willing to do great things when they are required of
us. If we say we are unable to do this, we are saying that God is unable to
provide what is necessary to carry out his will. The primary option should be
parent directed home education, but every church that has a building could
operate a day school. Tuition could be free or minimal to cover expenses.
Separate from the world's amusements. If one
phrase can be used to describe American culture, it is "entertainment
obsessed." This obsession is present in virtually every area of our daily
experience - even pastors make references to sports in their sermons; Billy
Graham features athletes at his crusades. It is characterized by the amount of
time and money that are spent on motion pictures, television, sports and the
manner in which we assign celebrity status to entertainers and athletes. Most
Christians know all about the current movies; they know which teams are in the
playoffs; they even know the latest doings of the Kardasian family.
Separate from the world's economic system -
consumerism. Get out of debt; do not incur additional debt. Be content with
what we have. Lay up treasures in heaven, not on earth.
Separate from the world's political expectations
- stop looking for a savior. Christians display the same expectation as the
pagan element in our society, i.e. we must find the right person to lead us
into the right way (preferably without requiring any work on our part). We
argue over which candidate can solve our problems. This mindset dishonors the
Lord we claim to serve.
Separate from the world's military mentality.
The founders were afraid of a standing army; they knew the damage that such a
force could pose to liberty and the tendency toward "meddling" that
it encouraged. Our nation has been in almost a constant state of conflict since
the second world war - none of it has been for national defense.
Citizens should only engage in armed conflict
when the life of the nation is at state. No concern for "national
interest" justifies a Christian engaging in war. It is proper to
honor those who serve to protect their country, but it is improper to glorify
and celebrate war, and to teach our children that military service is to be
Separate from the world's support system. Christ
never intended for his people to live in isolation; the church was to be a
physical community, not merely a gathering place for infrequent worship. The
book of Acts describes a people who were united around a common purpose; the
sharing characterized by the church at Jerusalem
following Pentecost was only possible because of the fellowship and community
they shared.
There are, no doubt, additional areas where Christians could be separate; these are offered as a beginning.
Ultimately, the saving of America is in God's hands. The question is whether we have the will to try.
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Hillary is not the only one.
we say we have not sinned, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in
us" 1 John 1:8
Clinton's recent assertion that she "has not lied," and doesn't
believe that she "would lie," reveals one or both of two things:
1 If she really believes what she is
saying, she is a self-deceived fool.
2. If she does not believe what she is
saying, she is lying and the truth is not in her.
In either case, it should be clear that she cannot be trusted and shouldn't be allowed
anywhere near the White House (or your house).
My point,
however, is not to expose Hillary's duplicity; she is doing an adequate job of
that. My point is that Christians need to start evaluating political issues in
biblical categories, not as Liberal or Conservative, Republican or Democrat,
Socialist or Capitalist, etc. Until we start doing that, we are not qualified
to choose a president or a dog catcher.
How can
we hope to solve our government spending problems without understanding the
nature of the problem. Government debt is a form of theft, in violation of the
8th commandment. No amount of political discussion or debate will alter this
fact. Socialism - government "redistribution of wealth" is motivated
by a violation ofr the 10th commandment.
There is
a lot of talk about Christians being "salt and light," be we have not
spoken clearly, biblically on these and other issues and contribute to the
confusion and darkness. We have no other authority for objecting to bad
policies. If we look for other grounds for objection, we are denying the
authority of God's word over every area of life.
the Revolution period, the Americans had a phrase they used to oppose the
unlawful British policies; "No King but Jesus." It's time for
Christians to renew this declaration, but first, they must understand it.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Christian or Conservative?
The following is an excerpt from a brief autobiography by Miss Katherine Dang which was published in "A Guide to American Christian Education," American Christian History Institute:
"It was not enough to work hard and be sincere when one's philosophy of government was a mixture of Christian and socialistic doctrines. To be politically conservative was only to be issue centered and to reason from one's emotions." "I would only prepare generations to be suited for Christian socialism, at best, and these generations would, by degrees, exchange America's Christian form of government for pagan centralization and the tyranny of the State."
"It was not enough to work hard and be sincere when one's philosophy of government was a mixture of Christian and socialistic doctrines. To be politically conservative was only to be issue centered and to reason from one's emotions." "I would only prepare generations to be suited for Christian socialism, at best, and these generations would, by degrees, exchange America's Christian form of government for pagan centralization and the tyranny of the State."
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