Thursday, January 18, 2007

Much ado about nothing?

Focus on the Family, the American Family Association and HSLDA have all sent alerts to their constituents alleging that Section 220 of SB1 is intended to eliminate grassroots lobbying. While it is unquestionably important for us to protect our right to petition our elected representatives, it is equally important that we be correctly informed about the issues involved.

I have read Section 220 and can find no danger to the kind of activities in which these groups normally engage, e.g., sending alerts to their members. In fact, sub-section (18)(a) would seem to exclude such groups.

Please notice the use of terms like "paid" and "client." These do not seem to apply to FoF, AFA or HSLDA.

I would be glad for the impartial assessment of any qualified analist in clarifying this matter.

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