Thursday, March 14, 2013

Houston, We Have a Pope!

In case it is unclear from what follows, let me state at the outset that I believe the Roman Catholic Church to be an abomination, based on a collection of corrupt doctrines, pagan superstitions and political intrigues.

It has enslaved the minds and souls of millions of ignorant backward people. In witness of its corruption, it has given us the Inquisition, the Crusades, Indulgences, Papal idolatry, Mary worship, veneration of saints and widespread child abuse by the clergy (I’m sure some Stupid Evangelical will feel compelled to point out that such abuse has occurred within Protestant churches. The difference is, of course, that such cases are neither occasioned nor concealed by the institution).

In light of these realities, it was nothing less than astounding to see the slavish, fatuous, reverential manner in which the recent papal selection was covered by the mainstream media. This was only exceeded by the universal adulation with which the new Pope was greeted.

Pope Francis was pronounced to be a “humble man” who is committed to the poor and disadvantaged ( just how any of these reporters  could know that he is a humble man is not known – perhaps they were told by the same people who denied rampant child abuse and organized cover-up)

It is predicted that he will emphasize Roman “social doctrine” (a blend between socialism and communism) and work for world peace and reconciliation. Since he is from Argentina, it is expected that he will focus on elevating the condition of the poor and ignorant of that region.

How is it possible for anyone with the least knowledge of the conquest and exploitation of Latin America to miss the fact that the largest single determining factor in that area has been the Roman Church? It was the Roman church that enslaved the people of South America through the propagation of religious superstition  enforcing submission to the church and corrupt political leaders and continuing war against literacy. If they're so concerned about the poor Latinos, what in hell have they been doing for the last four hundred years.

Oh, I forgot to mention that this new Pope is a Jesuit? The history of  the Jesuits is littered with the bodies of “heretics,” the propagation of lies and political machinations around the world.

Even our self-described “Christian” President has hailed the selection of the new pontiff as a wonderful event and looks forward to working with him to accomplish the salvation of humankind. He refers to the Pope as “His Holiness” and pontificates that "As a champion of the poor and the most vulnerable among us, he carries forth the message of love and compassion that has inspired the world for more than two thousand years—that in each other we see the face of God."  Lest anyone think that these were just his personal sentiments, Obama began his comments “On behalf of the American people,” he offers Francis our "warmest wishes and prayers" - three Hail Marys and one Our Father, no doubt?

Perhaps not, since he declares "We join with people around the world in offering our prayers for the Holy Father as he begins the sacred work of leading the Catholic Church in our modern world." Does this mean that Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, Pantheists, and Atheists will be joining together to support the Pope? 

Is it the official position of the US Government that leading the Catholic Church is a "sacred work" that transcends religious truth?

NB: One cannot help being struck by the Audacity with which the President declares the content of the gospel. Any other politician declaring a more faithful characterization of the gospel would be vilified for violating the separation of church and state.

Never mind that Christ specifically forbids such adulation of men, the President is above such narrow interpretation of scripture. Certainly, he will likely differ from “His Holiness” on such matters as abortion and gay marriage.

How have we come to such a state? It is because Stupid Evangelicals, who are either ignorant of or indifferent to the abuses that led to the Protestant Reformation, have adopted a sentimental view of Christian doctrine which leads to a “charitable” toleration of the “minor” differences between Catholics and Protestants.

Has not His Holiness Billy Graham declared that God loves you whether you’re Baptist, Methodist or Catholic? Protestant pulpits no longer thunder forth the proclamation of Roman abominations as they did in the past. No doubt our pastors are more enlightened now. Certainly, Luther and Calvin were intemperate when they referred to the Papal system as the anti-Christ. Surely, the Puritans could have been less judgmental in referring to the Roman Church as “the whore of Babylon.”

The Roman Church is viewed as just another denomination. Sure, they have weird practices; sure they pray to saints; sure they don’t value personal bible study; sure they carry a string of beads (a practice taken over from eastern religions); sure they talk about helping the poor while their priests live sumptuously; sure they believe in transubstantiation (whatever that is); sure they worship Mary; sure they believe that personal salvation is granted or withheld by the church; Sure they’re different, but hey, we’re all a little peculiar. After all, Protestants don’t agree on everything.

No need to get all worked up. I’m sure Francis is a wonderful guy. After all, he isn’t personally responsible for all the past abuses of the Roman system, even if he won’t disavow them. All that matters is that he is a “humble man” who wants to help the poor with someone else’s money.

So, let’s all hug and sing Kumbaya.

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