Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Solutions to Mass shootings

A review of the data from this website reveals three startling facts:
            Most mass shootings are the result of semi-automatic pistols, not “assault rifles – 68% vs 35%
            Most mass shootings are carried out by children – 20 years or younger.
            All mass shootings occur at places where large numbers of unprotected people gather.

These data suggest several solutions:
            Outlaw gatherings of unprotected people: Close all public schools; have machine gun emplacements at the entrances to all malls (shoot first, ask questions later); outlaw manufacturing facilities with 5 or more employees and require all employees to work naked.
            Outlaw children, 20 years or younger.
            In light of the above, there is no need to address the semi-automatic pistol issue.

I realize that, at first glance, these suggestions might appear as cynical and even insensitive, but they are no more so than the knee-jerk demands to "control" the infringe on the rights of law-abiding citizens. After all, one politician has said that "everything must be on the table" in discussions for curbing violence.

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